How DZ Bank Shapes Success Together With Fun Digital Learning
Ongoing training in digital skills, from modern forms of collaboration to technology trends in finance and digital business models - DZ Bank relies primarily on Masterplan's high-quality, continuously updated “Change” content and combines this with internally produced in-depth training courses, e.g. on the topic of “Artificial intelligence in finance”, using the learning path editor.

The Challenge
Making unlimited learning content available to all colleagues at international locations was nearly impossible before.
However, especially in times of extreme change in the banking environment, it was crucial to offer up-to-date, appealing and, above all, individualized training courses on a central platform.
Internal courses also took several hours or even days to complete, which meant too much effort for both managers and participants.

Kerstin Manser
HR Development | DZ Bank

The Solution
In collaboration with Masterplan, DZ Bank has digitized internal training and enhanced the platform's broad content with its own specialized video and course materials.
With individual learning paths, executives as well as junior staff and individual teams are offered target group-specific learning materials. The internal courses are available in short and effective learning chunks in both German and English for colleagues worldwide and can be accessed flexibly.
Since the launch, over 99 percent of DZ employees have used the Masterplan platform. Over 82 percent of them have successfully completed at least one lecture DZ Bank has already produced more than 70 lectures themselves.
Florian Hess
Expert HR Development | DZ Bank
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