The learning platform Masterplan.com has announced the expansion of its’ portfolio on sales and marketing topics. In addition to existing specialized topics such as YouTube marketing or the Delta method, the startup has also launched numerous new courses from SEO expert Alexander Rus and sales expert Morten Wolff in recent months. Masterplan.com is underlining its platform strategy of licensing the best learning content from specialized providers such as Complexly, Rapid Learning Institute or Big Think in addition to producing new content itself.
- Masterplan.com licenses new learning content from SEO expert Alexander Rus, sales professional Morten Wolff and other highly specialized producers such as Complexly, Rapid Learning Institute or Big Think
- More than 250 specialized marketing lessons available on YouTube advertising, conversion rate optimization or customer relationship management
- Over 180 lessons on sales topics such as the Delta Method, telephone acquisition or sales psychology online
More than 450 sales and marketing lessons available
Together with the new courses by Alexander Rus, more than 270 lessons on marketing topics are now available. These include topics such as Facebook marketing, CRM, native advertising, and brand ambassador marketing.
"Sales and marketing in modern companies have stopped being silos a long time ago, but work hand in hand to acquire new customers. Often the experts on both sides lack insight into certain areas. Many of our courses provide basic knowledge in order to be able to work better with colleagues from the other department. In addition, we are offering more and more learning paths that go into depth and enable up-skilling - for example, in the areas of marketing, sales and digital tools", explains Lena Kuschke, Head of Content.
Masterplan has also expanded its library in the area of sales, including new content from sales professional Morten Wolff, whose courses were already among the best-rated in 2021. The more than 180 lessons now include sales psychology, up-selling and cross-selling, telephone acquisition, and field sales.
Platform Model Expanded
Masterplan.com has become known for its high-quality in-house productions on the topic of digitization and disruptive technologies alongside pioneers of/experts in the startup scene such as Rolf Schrömgens and Frank Thelen. Last year, the learning platform announced that it would increasingly work with external providers and announced a cooperation with ZEIT Akademie. In addition, new content from specialized producers such as Complexly, Rapid Learning Institute or Big Think was added to the platform.
One advantage of many is that the cooperation with external content partners enables Masterplan to cover the entire range of in-house training topics much quicker. In addition, Masterplan.com is strengthening its new focus on the development of the software platform and creating a holistic learning experience for companies and employees.
"We are proud to be able to offer almost a 'one-stop store' for corporate training today: From onboarding new employees to mandatory training or software training to leadership and soft skills, our users can access numerous topics. With our intuitive drag & drop software, our customers can build their own e-learning courses in just a few clicks, integrate their own content or access over 2,000 video lessons from our library", says Stefan Peukert, founder of Masterplan.com.