Combine digitized internal content and Masterplan video courses, add informative material and test the knowledge at the end with a quiz – all this is offered by our tool, which you can easily and quickly use to build your own learning paths.
Where Can I Find the Learning Paths?
After logging in, click on your icon in the top right-hand corner to go to your company space. Then click on the tab "Learning paths" in the navigation. Here you see an overview of your learning paths. The search function allows you to search for specific learning paths by title.

In addition, the filter on the right side offers you the possibility to filter them by "Status" (Active, Inactive, or Draft) and by "Type" (Mandatory, Linear, or Certificate). You can also view learning paths by user group or learner name.
In the upper right corner you have the option of creating a new learning path.
Building Learning Paths in 4 Steps
Step 1: General Information

In the first step you complete the general information of your learning path. Enter the title and a description here.
Using the sliders you can determine whether:
- it is a mandatory training
- the learning path must be completed chronologically
- learners receive a certificate after successful completion
If required, you also have the option of adding contact persons who are available to learners for questions or feedback.
Step 2: Content

The next step is about the content of your learning path. You can add a first lesson via the plus sign – it is recommended to give your teams a good introduction to the topic first. The option of whether to choose a Masterplan course, a video, a file, a scorm file, a link or a quiz is up to you.
Masterplan Courses

If you decide to take a Masterplan course, a window will open showing you our content library. Use the search field to look for a specific topic, author or course. The displayed courses can then be filtered by language, type, tag or even rating.
Found the right course? Now you can decide if you want to add all or only single lessons using the two selection functions on the right side of the course window. Select as many courses as you like. They will be listed on the right side of the window. Once you are done, you can add them to your learning path using the button on the bottom right.
Upload File, Video or Scorm

These three formats can be added to your learning path in the same way: Drag and drop them into the window or add them using the button.
Add Link

If you click on "Add link", you must then enter the URL, the title of the lesson and optionally a description and save it.
Create Quiz

Quizzes added to your learning path allow you to test newly acquired knowledge and motivate your teams using a fun approach. Creating a quiz is simple: Add the first question by entering the question text and answer options (two or maximum of four). Important: Use the selection button to the right of the box to indicate which answer is the correct one. Use the button "Add" to complete the question and add more.
When your quiz is finished, you can add it to your learning path by clicking the button on the bottom right.
Step 3: Completion Time

The next step is to think of whether your teams should complete the learning path by a certain date or within a certain period of time. On the right side of the window you will find an overview of the title, the number of elements, and the estimated learning time of your learning path.
Step 4: Learner

The last step is to assign the learning path to specific user groups or individual learners. Alternatively, you can also assign it to all learners in your company using the selection button at the bottom left. Just click on "Save & Finish" and your learning path is created!

How Can I Edit Published Learning Paths?

Your completed learning path will be displayed in your overview with information on the number of items, the length, the completion date (or validity of the learning path), the active users and the number of learners who have completed it.
The eye icon allows you to view the details at a glance. Clicking the three-dot icon gives you options to pause, edit, duplicate, copy the link, or delete the learning path.
In this video our colleague Laura will guide you through the learning path tool step by step.