AI in Personnel Development: 7 L&D Tasks for Artificial Intelligence

Stefan Schulze

AI works and takes on personnel development tasks
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Artificial intelligence may be the talk of the town (or the world, for that matter), but personal development is still cautious when it comes to using new AI tools. Yet the technology opens up so many possibilities! We show you 7 L&D tasks where AI can help. You'll also get 10 inspiring prompts to create an entire training course quickly and easily.

Trends & Challenges: AI in Learning & Development

Almost three quarters (72%) of the DACH companies surveyed in a study by the eLearning Journal see the use of AI in personnel development as the most influential trend within the next three to five years.

However, the same study also shows that only a fraction of said companies (17%) will be using AI in training by 2023; although 21% have announced that they will invest in AI tools within the next 24 months.

The Mercer study "Global Talent Trends 2024" confirms this reluctance, stating that less than a third (28%) of HR managers are very confident that artificial intelligence and humans can lead to success together.

Why is that?

Certainly for the same reasons as in most other departments, a lack of understanding of technology, deadlocked processes, technical limitations, lack of success stories, costs incurred, lack of resources.

But investing in AI for Learning & Development is worth it!

7 Tasks where AI can provide support in personnel development

Greater personalization, increased efficiency, a higher degree of automation – Artificial Intelligence can not only simplify work in personnel development, but also make it more successful overall. This starts with the smaller to-dos and extends towards previously imposible  training tasks.

AI can help in these seven L&D tasks:

1. Enable Adaptive Learning

Adaptive learning means that training adapts individually and dynamically to the learning style, pace and preferences of each and all employees.

Artificial intelligence enables you to realize this personalization for all employees by analyzing learning behavior, progress and skills and continuously adapting learning content and formats to meet individual needs.

Examples of how AI can help:

Data Analysis: With AI, you analyze the interactions of all learners on a learning platform to understand which learning content is most in demand and which learning methods are most effective.</li>
<li>Personalization: Based on the available learning data, AI adapts content, for example by selecting suitable materials, adjusting the level of difficulty or changing the learning format.</li>
<li>Virtual Sparring Partner: To support learning processes individually and correct misunderstandings quickly, artificial intelligence provides employees with immediate and personalized feedback.</li>

2. Identify Skill Gaps

The larger the number of learners, the more complex and time-consuming it is to analyze and close skills gaps.

AI can help you to efficiently identify skill gaps, recognize individual development potential and derive targeted further training measures. In this way, employees' existing skills are not  only compared with their current job requirements in a time-saving manner, but also with possible future position descriptions.

Examples of how AI can help:

<li>Identification of Gaps: By comparing performance data and qualifications, AI identifies which skills are missing or need to be improved in order to enhance performance.</li>
<li>Skill Matching: AI compares the skills of employees with the requirements of the respective position or future career opportunities, taking into account market requirements and company goals where applicable.</li>
<li>Recommendation of Further Training Measures: Based on the identified gaps, the AI suggests suitable training courses, training programs or development measures.</li>

3. Personalize Coaching

AI coaching offers personalized support for all employees through authentic interactions and increases motivation to learn through the gamification approach.

In order to successfully promote personal and professional development, artificial intelligence can take on different coaching roles and support learners regardless of time and place. Be it to advise them, to test them or to give them helpful feedback.

Examples of how AI can help:

<li>Simulated Conversations: In interactive conversations with the AI, practical everyday scenarios can be played out in which what has been learned is applied and practiced.</li>
<li>Real-time Feedback: The AI coaches provide immediate feedback, suggestions for improvement and rewards to promote learning progress and increase motivation.</li>
<li>24/7 Availability: Virtual AI coaches are always available. Learning is self-directed and all employees receive automated support regardless of time and place.</li>


4. Develop Learning Content

Compiling training materials, updating course content, designing training programmes - with the help of artificial intelligence, learning content can be developed, updated and organized in a time-saving manner.

Existing learning content can be edited in just a few minutes. The AI can make suggestions as to which topics can be added and which content can be combined for further training. Similarly, as an HR manager, you can automatically translate training materials into learning formats or get inspiration for them.

Examples of how AI can help:

<li>Content Creation: Topic-specific learning modules, exciting presentations and interactive exercise materials are created and available to learners in no time with AI.</li>
<li>Updating Content: AI continuously reviews existing training materials and updates them automatically to ensure they remain current and relevant.</li>
<li>Diversification of Formats: To appeal to different learning styles, AI creates content in different formats (e.g. text, video, interactive elements).</li>

5. Forecast Performance Developments

Knowing how great the learning effect will be for employees before training even begins - sounds like utopia, but it can be possible with artificial intelligence!

Based on previous learning and development data, you can use AI models to predict the future performance of learners. The accuracy of the predictions increases the more data it is fed. This means that additional training measures can be planned more effectively and potential high performers can be identified quickly.

Examples of how AI can help:

<li>Predictive Models: Based on past performance data and training results, AI creates models that can predict future growth potential.</li>
<li>Proactive Measures: Based on the predictions, AI recommends targeted training programs and development measures to improve performance or promote specific skills.</li>
<li>Long-term Planning: AI supports long-term personnel planning and development by identifying future top performers and promoting their development.</li>

6. Analyze Feedback

The success of a training course is not only determined by changes in performance, but  also through the feedback from learners.

Artificial intelligence can analyze feedback on individual courses or general training opportunities in order to optimize the training offer and derive long-term potential for improvement. With this information, training courses can be planned and implemented even more precisely in future.

Examples of how AI can help:

</li>Qualitative & Quantitative Analysis: AI examines qualitative comments to identify content improvement suggestions or analyzes quantitative ratings to identify statistical patterns that indicate the effectiveness of training interventions.</li>
<li>Recommendations for Action: Based on the analysis, the AI makes specific recommendations to improve training content and methods to increase the effectiveness of future training.</li>
<li>Trend Monitoring: Feedback is continuously monitored to identify long-term trends and recurring issues that can be addressed with proactive measures.</li>

7. Measure Learning Success

Collecting performance data and L&D metrics is a standard function for digital learning platforms and modern training tools today. 

Both on an individual and company-wide level, AI can help you sort through the large amounts of data and systematically measure learning success. It can also suggest measures to optimize the learning landscape from a content, organizational and financial perspective.

Examples of how AI can help:

<li>Performance Metrics: AI captures and analyzes data on learning progress, course completion, exam performance and other relevant metrics to measure the long-term impact of training efforts on employee career paths.</li>
<li>Optimization of Programs: Based on measures of success, AI makes recommendations to optimize future training programs to more effectively achieve workforce development goals.</li>
<li>ROLI Calculation: The AI analyzes the Return on Learning Investment (ROLI) of the training measures by comparing the costs of the programs with the resulting improvements in employee performance and development.</li>

5 Steps and 10 Prompts That Take L&D Work off Your Hands Immediately and Free of Charge

Not every AI application in Learning & Development requires a professional personnel development software. For some tasks, you can also use free solutions such as ChatGPT, Google Gemini or Microsoft Copilot.

Here are 5 steps including 10 inspiring prompts that you can use to design new training courses in no time at all, fill them with varied learning content and prove your AI skills:

Step 1: Define Goals and Target Group

Begin your design by defining training objectives or a precise definition of the learners for whom a particular training course is appropriate. This will help ensure the focus and relevance of the training.

Example Prompt 1: Define Training Objectives

Example Prompt 1: Define Training Objectives

Example Prompt 2: Identify Target Group

Example Prompt 2: Identify Target Group

Step 2: Define Topics and Content

Determine the course topics and specific content of a new training course. A structured list of possible training content helps you to gain a better overview and understanding of the knowledge and skills to be taught.

Example Prompt 3: Research Main Topics

Example Prompt 3: Research Main Topics

Example Prompt 4: Discover Subtopics and Specific Content

Example Prompt 4: Discover Subtopics and Specific Content

Step 3: Create Learning Content and Formats

Once the topics have been defined, let the AI generate suitable learning content. You can adapt this content step by step to the needs of the learners or enrich it with your own training materials.

Example Prompt 5: Create Learning Content

Example Prompt 5: Create Learning Content

Example Prompt 6: Determine Learning Formats

Example Prompt 6: Determine Learning Formats

Step 4: Compile Training Materials

Create presentation templates, handouts and exercise materials from your training content that you can integrate into the course to promote the learning process or increase interactivity.

Example Prompt 7: Design Presentation

Example Prompt 7: Design Presentation

Example Prompt 8: Prepare Handouts and Exercise Material

Example Prompt 8: Prepare Handouts and Exercise Material

Step 5: Evaluate Training

Use artificial intelligence after a training course by having it draft feedback surveys and evaluate the participants' feedback. This allows you to continuously improve your training measures.

Example Prompt 9: Create Feedback Survey

Example Prompt 9: Create Feedback Survey

Example Prompt 10: Analyze Evaluation Report

Example Prompt 10: Analyze Evaluation Report

AI & HR Managers: Hand in Hand to Seize More Opportunities

L&D managers must not only drive AI training for their employees, but also learn how to incorporate AI into their own work. This is both necessary and possible in many ways.

Whether with paid tools or freely accessible AI solutions, artificial intelligence can both simplify the work of L&D managers and improve it in the long term.

Across all possible applications, the three major fields of application and benefits of artificial intelligence in HR development are

  1. the personalization of further training
  2. the saving of time and costs and
  3. the prediction of learning effects.

The best thing about it? Anyone can get started right away and have small tasks performed directly by the AI.

That’s why you should not wait!

Are you ready for more AI in your training? We are too. Discover Masterplan! 

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Stefan Schulze

Stefan Schulze is Content Marketing Manager at Masterplan. In the blog, he explains important terms from the L&D and HR world and writes about methods, concepts and developments in corporate learning.

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